Advocate General Anthony Michael Collins has proposed that the European Court of Justice uphold the General Court's Altice judgment. In his Opinion, he considered that the entering into.
In this article, we review European Union competition law updates that transpired in 2021 in regards to cartels and restrictive agreements, abuse of dominant positions, merger controls, state aid, legislative & policy developments, and more.
EU General Court GC upheld a decision in Altice Europe v Commission from the European Commission by which it fined telecommunications operator Altice for gun-jumping. Clarified the appropriateness of certain pre-closing covenants and information exchanges.
On September 22, 2021, the EU General Court (GC) upheld a decision from the European Commission (Commission) by which it fined telecommunications operator Altice for gun jumping.
In April 2018, the European Commission imposed a fine of €124.5 million on French multinational telecommunications and mass media company Altice, for implementing its acquisition of PT.