On Aug. 11, 2023, Advanced Geological Services from Moraga, Ca., a provider of surface and borehole geophysics, conducts a geophysical investigation for underground storage tanks (UST) around the Palace Hotel in Ukiah, Ca., and presents its report to Geocon Consultants, Inc., a professional engineering consulting firm from Livermore, Ca. On August 24, Geocon forwards the findings of the report to Matt Talbert, owner of Left Coast Restaurant in Ukiah. The following is a summary of the report. The sidewalk and the parking lanes on North State, Smith, and School Streets are scanned with ground penetrating radar (GPR) and a handheld […]
On Aug. 11, 2023, Advanced Geological Services from Moraga, Ca., a provider of surface and borehole geophysics, conducts a geophysical investigation for underground storage tanks (UST) around the Palace Hotel in Ukiah, Ca., and presents its report to Geocon Consultants, Inc., a professional engineering consulting firm from Livermore, Ca. On August 24, Geocon forwards the […]
Independent testing commissioned by the Vineyard Montessori School (VMS) has allegedly revealed higher than permissible waterborne lead entering the school building from Tisbury’s water system. The testing also allegedly revealed higher than permissible waterborne lead even after a sink faucet identified by the town as the problem was replaced, and after other faucets were replaced. […]