I think that you want to look at the probable cause affidavit, because that s where it begins. remember what that document is. that s the document which gives the indication of how were justified, we being the police, not me the police, to arrest him. so, what s there? is their dna? if there s dna, you re going to determine what is the connection of that dna? where was it, and how did it get there? that s something the defense will certainly have to overcome. and the event s dna is there, what if any incident explanation for that? the cilantro, we heard a lot of speaking about the alondra in the tracking of it. what was the basis for it being there? is there an innocent explanation as to it being there? number three, are there any surveillance that would have him, the defendant in this case, in or around that general area? was he tracking them? number four, is there any particular alibi that he can t has that can then demonstrate that he did not do this. number five, were there any wit ....