Congratulations and well wishes started pouring in for AR Rahman’s daughter Khatija soon after she announced her engagement on social media. Khatija made her international singing debut in November last year. Her live performance at the 2020 Dubai Expo made news worldwide and her kalam Farishton, which she first recorded in 2020, received widespread appreciation from her fans and followers. “With the blessings of the Almighty I’m happy to announce to you all my engagement with Riyasdeen Shaik Mohamed, an aspiring entrepreneur and a wizkid audio engineer,” wrote Kahtija, sharing a collage of her photo from engagement and one that of Riyasdeen. “The engagement .
Khatija Rahman, the daughter of music director AR Rahman, has announced her engagement to audio engineer Riyasdeen Shaik Mohamad. Khatija, who is seldom seen in public and who is considered to be both religious and spiritual, took to social media to make the announcement.