SERI ALAM: Police have confirmed receiving a report that an 11-year-old girl was given up by her mother, in the wake of a widely shared Facebook post claiming the child had been neglected.
David Perle 202-483-7382
Cumberland, Md. – With the notorious Tri-State Zoological Park slated to provide a groundhog for the Groundhog Day event downtown, PETA sent a letter today to Melinda Kelleher, the executive director of the Cumberland Downtown Development Commission, urging her to skip the live groundhog altogether. PETA notes that groundhogs are prey animals who actively avoid human contact and transporting them to unfamiliar locations while they should be hibernating and subjecting them to being around unfamiliar humans is extremely stressful for them. The novel coronavirus is also transmissible between humans and other species, so the event would put Murray the groundhog at risk of COVID-19 infection.