Sri Lankan shares closed lower on Tuesday, dragged down by losses in financial and consumer staple stocks, although gains in communication services capped further decline. said on Thursday that it was cutting delivery routes short for drivers in places affected by poor air quality, while Target also said its contactless order pickup service may not operate in the most affected areas.
Bangladesh is facing its worst electricity crisis since 2013, a Reuters analysis of government data shows, due to erratic weather and difficulty paying for fuel imports amid declining forex reserves and value of its currency.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Thursday imposed mandatory price cuts on some basic food items by large retailers as his nationalist government tries to tame the European Union's highest inflation rate from levels exceeding 20%.
A gauge of top luxury stocks in Europe fell to seven-week lows on Wednesday as a selloff in the sector continued following a strong run this year that has been key for positive returns across broader European markets.