Here Are the New Englanders We’ve Shared ‘Frontline Love’ With So Far
For the last couple of weeks, following an article I wrote about Rye Elementary School kids in New Hampshire leaving Thank You cards on the windshields of doctors, nurses, and other frontline workers at Portsmouth Regional Hospital, I ve dedicated part of the Power Hour of Positivity that I kick off every weekday morning at 9a to showing love to the Frontliners in our lives.
So, every weekday morning at 9:30a, I ve been doing a segment called Frontline Love, which is simply a shoutout from a New Englander like you to a Frontliner in their lives. And they literally have had to do ZERO leg work to make it happen just send a message with the chat feature on our FREE 94.9 HOM app, or by messaging us on our Facebook page. That s it! That easy!