White House - U.S. President Joe Biden met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog at the White House on Wednesday to address regional security challenges,
White House - U.S. President Joe Biden met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog at the White House on Wednesday to address regional security challenges,
White House - U.S. President Joe Biden met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog at the White House on Wednesday to address regional security challenges,
White House - U.S. President Joe Biden met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog at the White House on Wednesday to address regional security challenges,
more. shannon: he says she has a good chance of winning the republican nomination. this could be a make or break moment for president obama. the commander-in-chief work on an arms treaty with russia. he is daring republicans to block it at the risk much alienating the risk of alienating moscow. the critics who say critics of the republicans say they are block something that s so important to our relationship with russia, are they overblowing the significance of a delay here. wrush is not impacted under this agreement. it s the united states that has to reduce their warheads by a third, those numbers doantss impact the russians at all.