On Friday Serena Williams shared a new post to Instagram documenting her time in the Bahamas. She showed off her aquatic skills and her pert bottom as she snorkeled with family.
She also shared a photo of herself in the hall of mirrors, among the opulence of chandeliers and a ceiling painted, in ornate fashion, by Charles Le Brun. Wearing Disney princess gowns and rolling around in a Little Tykes carriage is something Alexis likes to do, so we’re sure she was living the dream. Loading the player.
Extravagant travel is nothing new for the child, who has a following of more than 600,000 on Instagram. Since she was born, Williams has taken her along to see the world. The end result is a worldly child who has some really great memories in pictures. Check out the jet-setting this tot has done, from ocean views to major landmarks and everything in between.
The 23-time Grand Slam champion wore her curly brown locks tied back in a ponytail and covered them with a blue Nike cap.
Mouratoglou was similarly casual with a royal blue blazer over a dark T-shirt with jeans and white Asics trainers.
Low key: Serena mixed comfort with style via her navy blue Gucci cardigan, which was covered with the fashion house s logo
Comfy: She paired it with a set of slim cropped jeans while wearing brilliant white trainers
Relaxed style: Mouratoglou was similarly casual with a royal blue blazer over a dark T-shirt with jeans and white Asics trainers