If you've ever wondered what it was like to take the train in the 1940s, you're in luck: Hudson River Rail Excursions bring passengers to upstate New York and back on a vintage rail car. Here's what the experience is like.
New train hall opens at Penn Station, echoing building’s former glory | The Daily Gazette
By Christina Goldbaum/The New York Times and Gazette Staff |
December 30, 2020
NEW YORK For more than a half-century, New Yorkers have trudged through the crammed platforms, dark hallways and oppressively low ceilings of Pennsylvania Station, the busiest and perhaps most miserable train hub in North America.
Entombed beneath Madison Square Garden, the station served 650,000 riders each weekday before the pandemic, or three times the number it was built to handle.
But as more commuters return to Penn Station next year, they will be welcomed by a new, $1.6 billion train hall complete with more than an acre of glass skylights, art installations and 92-foot-high ceilings that Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who championed the project, has likened to the majestic Grand Central Terminal.