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Transcripts For CSPAN3 Politics And Public Policy Today 20160615

terrorists came from the turkish borders, all the terrorists inside syria. end of quote. but the examples we just heard, zadan al loush, who was killed inside syria, covered extensively by government-owned media, he was described as a big terrorist leader by your own media. he was inside a syrian prison and he was let go in 2011 by the syrian government. did you not know about his past? and why was he in prison, then released, based on that? and of course, turkey that means they did not all come through the turkish thank you so much. thank you. try to make the question short to give more portion to everybody to answer. dr. shaaban i really don t know. you know, if you are insinuating that we could possibly know that somebody is going to turn such a terrorist and we let him out of prison. he was taken to court and then he was released just as any prisoner would be released after he spends the time that he had to spend in prison. but i meant all the terrorists w ....

New-york , United-states , Montana , Uganda , Fallujah , Al-anbar , Iraq , Damascus , Dimashq , Syria , Texas , Iran

Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20150916

the most renowned dissident artist. dozens of refugees have arrived at the pro asian border in couch of a new route in to the west attorney europe. they were seen walking in to croatia after arriving by bus. on tuesday hundre hungary imposd strict new border controls and erected a fence to control the flow of asylum seekers, forcing revel gees strapped ed in serbia to find out routes in to the european union. german chancellor angela america is calling if an emergency european union meeting on the refugees crisis. but europe are mains divided. alaustria has become the latest country introduce restrictions following germany that has already brought in border control on his their eastern frontiers, so vock i can t has started spot checked, fearing it could be a new transit pope for refugees and as we mentioned, hungary has now shut the mainland route for refugees in to the e.u. it finished building a fence along the board we arer is beer. protests are continuing at ....

Jerusalem , Israel-general- , Israel , Pyongyang , P-yongyang-si , North-korea , Madina , Al-madinah , Saudi-arabia , Doha , Ad-daw-ah , Qatar

Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20150921

emissions tests in europe as well as the u.s. hello coming newspaper cricket world mourns the death of the man known as the father of the modern game. we ll look at the legacy he leaves behind. hotel, burkina faso dr. gil berdz diendo who led the overthrow of the traditional president michel kafando, reports now from ouagadougo. this isful ouaga 2000, normally a quiet neighborhood. last week s coup turned it into a battle ground. soldiers are overrunning the place and people are scared of them. they shoot indiscriminately. francois and his friends say they have had enough. translator: they are out of control. we just don t feel safe. all we want is peace. reporter: the man in charge is general gendera. he has played a role in the last three cowp coups in burkina fas. he needs to convince the people on the streets. this is what we have been seeing throughout the city. protestors burning tires and straight after that, the presidential guards firing rapid machine ....

Burkina-faso , Mogadishu , Banaadir , Somalia , Madrid , Spain , Turkey , Austria , Syria , Aleppo , Lab , Croatia

Transcripts For ALJAZAM World News 20151103

shields, to protect against barrel bombs. hb to thhappy birthday to te station. the international space station celebrates 15 years living and working in orbit. and say what? new report says the pentagon wasted $43 million on the world s most expensive gas station in afghanistan and u.s. officials can t explain why. good evening, i m antonio mora. we begin tonight with the mystery of this weekend s plane crash in egypt. crash investigators say the russian jet liner broke up in flight but they don t know why. i.s.i.l. claimed responsibility for the crash, which killed 224 people. but its affiliate on the sinai peninsula has provided no evidence. russian and egyptian officials strongly deny the allegation. tonight reports say american infrared slight images detected a heat flash over the area where the crash took place but no indication of a missile. the russian airline has blamed what it called external factors for the crash but transportation officials in both egypt a ....

Jerusalem , Israel-general- , Israel , West-bank , Australia , Sharm-el-sheikh , Janub-sina- , Egypt , Turkey , China , Syria , Russia

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News 20160104

heavy rain moving ashore. by the time it rolls around we would of picked up more than 2 inches of rain in the city and in concord and hayward and fairfield. all of the details coming up while we cover the weather in a few minutes. what a game. we all watched it here. the game over for the 49er s coach in? quite a few empty seats here. it sounds like maybe win or lose it may be it for the head coach? i have been around this team since 1989-1990. i have seen this movie before. i know how it usually ends. and, if they decide to make this change and it looks as though they probably usually the mo, usually, is that they wait until the next day. so, that would be tomorrow morning. they love jim, they respect him. they have been with him since 2007. the conversation will go like, hey, jim, we love you but we we got to do something. we got to go in another direction. we are fractured here. we have to hold it together. thanks for what you did for us. if there is anything ....

Stanford , California , United-states , Nevada , Saida , Al-madinah , Saudi-arabia , Portland , Oregon , New-hampshire , Oakland , Coit-tower