Tiger Shroff replaces Akshay Kumar for a Vimal ad for which the actor had backed out after he faced immense backlash from fans. Shah Rukh Khan and Ajay Devgn reunite again for the same while Amyra Dastur joins them!
‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan’, shot on a budget of Rs 350 crore, grossed merely Rs 81.6 crore at the worldwide box office and ended up being a huge flop. Here’s a look at why it failed to live up to expectations. - Newsx
Under the direction of Ali Abbas Zafar and backed by production houses Pooja Entertainment and AAZ Films, "Bade Miyan Chote Miyan" was made in Rs 350 crore. Tiger Shroff, portraying the role of Chote Miyan, is said to have negotiated a fee ranging between Rs 40-Rs 45 crores.
Akshay added, "I get into working out more. Khana bhi daba ke khana that (I would eat a lot). I think that is a way a martial artist would deal with a break-up. I believe that is the only way we understand it (heartbreak)."