Rohit Shetty’s Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 finally premiered on TV last week amid huge buzz and expectations. Several known names including Shiv Thakare are seen in KKK 13; one is Rohit Roy. In a recent interview, Rohit Roy opened up about doing Bigg Boss and took a dig at Akanksha Puri and Jad Hadid’s liplock in Bigg Boss OTT 2. Here’s what he said.
Post her eviction from Bigg Boss OTT 2, Akanksha Puri talks about how she felt targeted on the show from the start. She also opens up about being misunderstood in the game.
Recalling his kiss with Akanksha Puri during a task on Bigg Boss OTT 2, Jad Hadid claimed that he was initially interested in her but not after the kiss. | Web Series
Bigg Boss OTT 2 Update: The second season of Bigg Boss OTT, hosted by Salman Khan, finally premiered on Jio Cinema on Sunday (June 17) amid a huge buzz and expectations. After the nominations process, four contestants reportedly got jail in the first week. Here are their names.