Raju Srivastava Health Update: Shekhar Suman shared an update on the comedian s health. The comment section of his tweet was filled with hearty wishes from Raju s fans who wished for his speedy recovery and prayed for his family.
Raju Srivastava Health Update: Comedian s family released a statement on his official Instagram page, saying his condition was stable and requested people to ignore any rumour/fake news being circulated .
Raju Srivastava Latest Health Update: Multiple reports claim that Raju Srivastava s condition is critical. However, his family released a statement saying his condition was stable and requested people to ignore any rumour/fake news being circulated .
Raju Srivastava Health Update: The comedian has not regained consciousness for the past 3 days. He is being treated by Dr Nitish Naik, professor at the department of cardiology at AIIMS.
Vindu Dara Singh on Raju Srivastava: the actor recalled the time the two had spent together in Bigg Boss 3. Vindu shared that even after BB 3, they used to catch up and they continue to share a good bond.