By Celestial Mistress, Maiden, and Minion Aries Does meeting up with “Flannelbear” in the Casey’s bathroom count? Taurus Responds to all their Tinder messages with “wanna go for a walk?” Somehow always ends up on the top of Ahrens Hill not really sure if they’re on a date. Doesn’t really matter either way,.
By Celestial Mistress, Maiden, and Minion Aries Does meeting up with “Flannelbear” in the Casey’s bathroom count? Taurus Responds to all their Tinder messages with “wanna go for a walk?” Somehow always ends up on the top of Ahrens Hill not really sure if they’re on a date. Doesn’t really matter either way,.
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W.E. Lively, the hustling Maxwell auto dealer, has sold a Maxwell to Joseph Johnson. Pictured is a Maxwell Mascotte Touring 1911 by Lars-Göran Lindgren Sweden - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
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This truck belonged to Silas Hall s Transfer Line just after World War I. It was used for hauling freight from the NP (Northern Pacific Railroad) depot to stores around town as well as for other kinds of moving. The picture was taken in front of the railroad freight office. Before the truck, Silas Hal used teams of horses and wagons which he kept at 415 Main (now Washington Street). Source: Brainerd Minnesota 1871 - 1971. Reproduced from the Centennial Edition of the Brainerd Daily Dispatch.