Yesterday, the showbiz industry mourned the unexpected loss of beloved artist Ahmed Rubel. The actor will be laid to rest in his hometown, Gazipur, today following a janaza.
It was supposed to be a joyous day for both Jaya Ahsan and Ahmed Rubel as they were all set to enjoy the special premiere show of their movie “Peyarar Subash”. Jaya Ahsan reached the venue just an hour prior to the premiere of the show and then came the shocking news of Ahmed Rubel’s passing. The actor succumbed to death after suffering a massive attack just as he was about to
It was supposed to be a joyous day for both Jaya Ahsan and Ahmed Rubel as they were all set to enjoy the special premiere show of their movie “Peyarar Subash”. Jaya Ahsan reached the venue just an hour prior to the premiere of the show and then came the shocking news of Ahmed Rubel’s passing. The actor succumbed to death after suffering a massive attack just as he was about to