West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday resumed her campaign in districts with a strong message that she will uproot those who are conspiring against her. “My leg will heal in the next few years. I will see whether your legs can move freely on Bengal’s soil,” Ms. Banerjee said at Jhalda rally in Purulia.
External Affairs Minister (EAM) S. Jaishankar on Monday told the Rajya Sabha that the government wanted to expand the “air bubble” arrangement with more countries and the priority would be Saudi Arabia, Kuwait in the west and Japan, China and Singapore in the east.
Farmers’ protest | Women farmers take centre stage at protest sites
March 08, 2021 18:11 IST
Organisers laid out elaborate plans to let women farmers manage the stage, arrange food and security and share tales of their struggles on the International Women’s Day
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Large number of women from Punjab and Haryana participate in farmers protest against the Center s new farm laws, on International Women s Day, at Tikri Border in Delhi on March 8, 2021.
| Photo Credit:
Shiv Kumar Pushpakar
Organisers laid out elaborate plans to let women farmers manage the stage, arrange food and security and share tales of their struggles on the International Women’s Day
Farmers in Haryana block highway to mark 100 days of agitation
Traffic snarls and diversions seen at many points
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Farmers block an expressway to mark the 100th day of the protest against the farm laws, near Kundli border, in Haryana on March 6, 2021.
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Traffic snarls and diversions seen at many points
Hundreds of farmers, including women, held a blockade at five points on the 135-km-long Kundli-Manesar-Palwal Expressway, connecting five districts of Haryana, on Saturday to mark 100 days of the agitation around Delhi in protest against the farm laws.
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The protests led to traffic snarls at a few points and the police diverted traffic to avoid inconvenience to the commuters.