THE once-pristine and picturesque Boterekwa escarpment in Shurugwi, Midlands province, now stands as a haunting monument to the ravages of human exploitation an.
High Court judge Justice Emilia Muchawa has ruled in favour of the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) in a dispute with Afrochine Smelting (Pvt) Ltd, a large-scale producer of ferrochrome.
HARARE – Top anti-corruption watchdog, Information for Development Trust (IDT) in its latest study has documented that five major Chinese companies’ mining operations were not in compliance with national laws and policy frameworks coupled with impunity. Zanu PF bigwigs, appendages and government officials are implicated for aiding and abetting the five Chinese companies to commit…
Engaged in a bitter slugfest with the US on economic, technological and strategic fronts, China is taking its fight with the US in the third country, especially Zimbabwe where the alleged expose by the African countrys largest daily newspaper The Herald is being used by Beijing to badger the US left, right and centre.