Africa Oil Week (AOW) on November 8 hosted a live broadcast by CNBC Africa focusing on the Global Funding Strategies and Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) for the African Upstream exploring how the key stakeholders tap into large pools of global capital to finance the sector. Editor-at-Large for CNBC Africa, Bronwyn Nielsen, interviewed experts including: Frank […]
Senior officials from the United States Departments of Energy and State will be heading to South Africa to attend Africa Oil Week and its sister event the Green Energy Africa Summit,
Senior officials from the United States Departments of Energy and State will be heading to South Africa to attend Africa Oil Week and its sister event the Green Energy Africa Summit, taking place here from 3-7 October and 4-5 October 2022, respectively. The U.S. delegation’s participation in these prominent events…
Download logoAfrica Oil Week (AOW) ( is proud to announce that Equinor ASA is Titanium sponsor of Africa Oil Week. The company