There are a few things that need to be highlighted. The first one is the elaborate attempt to delay a court case and the other is a senior bureaucrat saying there is a law but no one is enforcing it.In the case of the infamous Sam Sua and others, the application to the court was to delay the tria.
Samoa will take a delegation of 70 including teachers, artists, traditional tattooists, performers and writers to Hawaii this Saturday for the upcoming 13th Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture.This trip is funded by the government and the organising committee of the event.In a press conference o.
"To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting." - Edmund Burke.Someone else has written that: Reading is only important and beneficial if we act on it, if we read too much without acting it may cause stress.Last week we commented on the national crisis of the shortage of teachers a.
The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest (people) of the past centuries. Rene Descartes.Few would argue with the man who also said in Latin “cogito, ergo sum” which is usually translated into English as “I think, therefore I am.”But the take today is not only thinking .
The Ministry of Education is working with the National University of Samoa (N.U.S.) and the Public Service Commission (P.S.C.) to facilitate the inclusion of the Diploma in Education programme in the 2025 academic calendar. This was confirmed by the Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O.) of the Ministr.