during the campaign, trump said he was going to repeal obamacare. now he is promising to keep the most popular elements of the law intact. during the campaign, trump pledged to dump the paris climate agreement. we will cancel this deal so that our companies can compete. now he says he will keep an open mind. during the campaign, trump promised to end pay to play politics in washington. drain the swamp. now, former governor sarah palin is calling the carrier deal crony capitalism. ultimately, donald trump s success may depend on how literally his supporters take his promises. politicians are always saying they want to drain the swamp and get rid of lobbyists and cast their briefcases into the potomac. the lobbyists are not going anywhere, but they do expect him to put the lobbyists in their place. joining me now is the vice-president-elect of the united states, and still governor of indiana mike pence. mr. vice-president-elect, welcome back to the show.
this is a new relationship. ari fleisher tweeted, i hope that this is intentional. he would like it better if this san intentional decision. is that where you are? well, i m the wrong guy to ask, because national review opposed this and we still consider taiwan as a province of ch china. obviously, you can reconsider these diplomatic arrangements that have been just accepted for decades. you need to do it with some deliberation that appears to have been lacking in this instance. he even said in the interview with him that we re going to get to policy when he is the president. right now, this is about courtesy. theoretically, you should be already having a policy and then everything you do from now through your presidency is moving forward on that. so this is a candidate who ran
on tv when i was a kid for ef hutton whose tag line was when ef hutton talks, people listen. when the president of the united states or the president-elect talks, people listen. what he says has consequence. but now whether it is draining the tramp or repealing obamacare or persuading companies not to leave the united states, we re being told by his staff and by mr. trump, himself, you shouldn t take him literally. except perhaps when you should. remember when candidate trump said this about president obama during the campaign? he is the founder of isis. he is the founder of isis. okay? he is the founder. next day, hugh hewitt assumed we were not to take mr. trump literally. i know what you meant. you meant he created the vacuum, he lost the peace. no. i meant he s the founder of isis. in that case, we were supposed to take him literally. the question is, after what many have dubbed the post-truth election, are we getting a look at a post-truth presidency?
we are back. in only five times has the president won the presidency and not won the popular vote. we may see it more in the future and here is why. two have been in the last five elections, since 2000. we might see it happen more frequently in the future. of the six most populous states, democrats have won california, new york and illinois by double digits since 1992. of the other three, democrats have been making gains in texas. it was big time this cycle, hosting their own in florida. only pennsylvania of the top six seems to be edging to the red column. all of this helps explain hillary clinton s growing popular vote margin. over 2.5 million votes right now, actually. of course, part of the reason for the popular vote, electoral college split is something we re calling superfluous votes. once a candidate wins a state, is it doesn t matter how many votes they win it by. anything more than one is unnecessary. by that standard, hillary clinton had 10 million extra votes that made no d
both sides for not being substantive for not forcing both sides to talk about issues. i know where you will be on the quote unquote liberal media. do the clinton people have a case? if you were in their shoes, would you be angry at the media? i think the republican candidates in the primaries felt this way, that trump got extraordinary direct access to the media. in the general election, a lot of the coverage was extremely hostile. i think kellyanne is right. broadly speaking, people like us for a solid year treated them like idiots. it s understandable that having pulled this extraordinary upset off they might feel triumphant about it. part of the problem of the media going in until the night before the election saying it was pretty much impossible for trump to win is that you actually had 25% of trump voters according to exit polls who cast the ballot and didn t think he was unfit for president. you had this sense that there was a protest vote even within the trump vote when pe