ae loan, but have you to be at work. even if are you able to work remotely, you try working with a 3-year-old next to you. i ve tried it. it s not fun. it s not easy that gets to the point here, first of all the impact on this falls more on women than men, let s be real. it does. i know somebody parks girlfriend of mine, six babies in the day care all tested positive for covid. that is everybody, the day care shuts down, serve home. you also have offices that are listen while some of them are being flexible and continue to work from home, there is increasingly expectation folks will come back to the office. that s absolutely true. i think the stress of all of the things pulling you in different directions and the stress of worrying about severe illness, although it is very rare, you don t know before your child gets sick whether or not they will be one of the unlucky ones. so it s just waking up every day and not knowing if any part of
viewers of this show will know, i am also a parent of a child under five as are many of my colleagues here at msnbc and msnbc news. it can be a little alienating because there are so many people in this country. i have friends who don t have kids, have older kids, starting to get somewhat back to normal. there are an entire class of people not having that experience because of who is inside their house. absolutely. i think the biggest problem that i was hearing from parents is not just fear of their children catching the veers, because i think we all know that the majority of very nothing children have what mild cases. the biggest problem is quarantine teens and day cares and schools across the country. kid will have between 10 and 14 days on average at home so if you are working parents who fed to be some place in person, especially if you are a single parent, are you in an impossible situation. you can not leave a child home
why is this shut down worth it? everybody is trying to avoid it. our goal is that we pass something over to the senate the 217 republicans pass and that s with about 17 members gone. there s plenty of support on the republican side. this is something that should have been done earlier in the year. march or september. i can t change that. we stood strong with what the american people gave us the majority for. for a short period of time. we delivered that pot president. you knew that putting the features in this bill guaranteed a shut down. not just with the democrats. but within your own party. there s division about whether or not things like chain migration. family reunification the way the first lady got her parents into the country. those are controversial. within your party. which is why your caucus let a e loan with the democrats. you knew a shut down would happen. those are controversial flt those aren t in the bill.