BPH Energy Limited (ASX:BPH) investee, Advent Energy Limited through its wholly owned subsidiary, Asset Energy Pty Ltd, have engaged Klarite Pty Ltd, to initiate environmental management of the Seablue-1 exploration well, due to be drilled in PEP 11.
Clean Hydrogen Technologies Corp (CHT), a 15.6% and 3.9%, BPH Energy Limited (ASX:BPH) and Advent Energy Limited investment respectively, has moved from proof of concept to production.
Clean Hydrogen Technologies Corp , a 15.6% and 3.9%, BPH Energy Limited and Advent Energy Limited investment respectively, has moved from proof of concept to production. CHT cracks hydrocarbons from.
On 2 August 2022 BPH Energy Limited (ASX:BPH) announced that, following its shareholders meeting on 21 June 2022 at which shareholders voted unanimously to approve an investment in hydrogen technology company Clean Hydrogen Technologies Corporation.