The BMJ’s regional advisory board will give this important region a louder voice
In recent decades, Latin America has made important contributions to global health. Although substantial economic and social inequalities and political instability continue to adversely affect population health, the region is developing knowledge, health policies, and experience that deserve wider recognition. Contributions include Latin America’s efforts in social medicine, especially in social security and nutrition1; national public policies that have become a world reference, such as the compulsory licensing of an AIDS drug in Brazil in 20072; and the health cooperation agenda intended to create a platform for solidarity focusing on infrastructure, health, security, and natural resources within the framework of the now dissolved Union of South American Nations.3
Building on these contributions, and to help boost the region’s profile and leadership in global health, The BMJ has established its f
Expectations were high after Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva won the presidency. But some scientists are frustrated at the slow pace of change. Expectations were high after Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva won the presidency. But some scientists are frustrated at the slow pace of change.
Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Wednesday presented researchers, professors, authorities, and representatives of entities that have made relevant contributions to national scientific and technological development with the National Order of Scientific Merit, Agencia Brasil reported. Joining Lula was Science, Technology, and Innovation Minister Luciana Santos.
Twenty-one scientists awarded one of Brazil's highest honors, the National Order of Scientific Merit, rejected their medals Saturday after President Jair Bolsonaro withdrew two colleagues whose work apparently discomfited his government from the lis
Twenty-one scientists awarded one of Brazil's highest honors, the National Order of Scientific Merit, rejected their medals Saturday after President Jair Bolsonaro withdrew two colleagues whose work…