News Analysis: OLF officially out from upcoming election, continues call for release of its jailed leadership, members addisstandard 2021-03-10
Hundreds of thousands of OLF fans turned op at Addis Abeba Mesqel Square in September 2018. Photo: Social Media
By Siyanne Mekonnen
Addis Abeba, March 10/2021 – The opposition party Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) has officially announced that it has withdrawn from the upcoming election. In an interview with
Addis Standard the party’s interim public relations head, Batte Urgessa, a staggering number of names of the party’s leadership and members who are currently jailed, as well as list of its offices which are forcibly shut down either by the federal or Oromia regional state security forces, which Batte said has depopulated the party of its key personnel, and deprived it of the ability to organize for election.