Adani Transmission said its consolidated revenue was up 17 per cent at Rs 3,031 crore against Rs 2,582 crore in the same quarter last year, thanks to new transmission lines becoming operational and an uptick in energy consumption.
Four of the Adani group companies were in the positive territory, while at least five others were in the red amid a positive trend in the broader market.
Rattanindia Enterprises stock has delivered 841% returns to its shareholders in six months. The share has surged from Rs 4.95 on April 30, 2021 to Rs 46.6 today, translating into 841% returns in the last six months. In comparison, Sensex has surged 19.57% during the period. An amount of Rs 1 lakh invested in the Rattanindia Enterprises stock on April 30 this year would have turned into Rs 9.41 lakh today. Rattanindia Enterprises stock has fallen after 2 days of consecutive gain.