Adani Green Energy s revenue from operations in the third quarter increased 17% to Rs 2,311 crore, compared with Rs 1,971 crore in the corresponding quarter of last year. The company posted an EBITDA of Rs 1,667 crore, an increase of 95% over the previous year period. EBITDA margins for the quarter stood at 72%.
The plan involves the issuance of preferential shares to the founders of Adani Green to support the company's expansion endeavours and address refinancing needs.
Billionaire Gautam Adani s renewable energy company Adani Green is targeting to set up 45 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy capacity by 2030, as it looks to cut emissions and help India meet its carbon neutrality target. The target is to take their current capacity to 45,000 MW or 45 GW by 2030.
Adani Green Energy share price jumped 5% to Rs 998 and hit the upper circuit today after the company’s consolidated net profit for the fourth quarter ended March 31 more than tripled to Rs 507 crore owing to strong capacity addition.