This emotionally charged documentary tells a tale that started 800 years ago. At this time, the citizens of 500 Indian nations were the only ones who called
Last modified on Sun 25 Apr 2021 22.13 EDT
Colette, written and directed by Emmy-winning filmmaker Anthony Giacchino, produced by Oculus Studios and Respawn Entertainment, and released by The Guardian, has won an Oscar for best short documentary.
Executive produced by Peter Hirschmann and produced by Alice Doyard, Annie Small and Aaron Matthews,
Colette triumphed at the 93rd Academy Awards, winning the ‘Best Documentary, Short Subject’ category at a ceremony held in Los Angeles, California (Sunday 25 April).
Colette is the first Guardian documentary to win an Oscar, building on the success of
Colette’s executive producers for the Guardian were Charlie Phillips, Lindsay Poulton and Jess Gormley.