Tami Jeffay, an English teacher, Acro Ninja expert and mother of 4, takes funds raised by family and friends, sets up toy centers, helps a leukemia sufferer get to Israel
Jessica Steinberg covers the Sabra scene from south to north and back to the center.
Acro Ninja athlete Tami Jeffay and her team of Mighty Girls, in August 2020. (Courtesy Tami Jeffay)
Tami Jeffay has flipped somersaults inside empty pools, performed the infamously difficult core exercise called an L-sit upon the tines of a tractor’s rake, and routinely vaults herself off the sides of ramps at local skate parks.
It’s all in a day’s work for the 39-year-old Acro Ninja trainer, a British-born high school English teacher and married mother of four who also happens to be an official tester for the “Ninja Israel” reality show. (Her husband, Nathan Jeffay, is the Times of Israel health and science correspondent.)