As the role of the chief sustainability officer (CSO) continues to evolve at pace, we are working closely with our network of sustainability leaders to share practical insights into the skills, knowledge and expertise that will be required for the future of the profession.
Sustainability Salaries Rise Across the Globe
Sustainability Salaries Rise Across the Globe
Sustainability salaries have increased across the globe since 2018, according to the newly released 2020 Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability (CR&S) Salary Survey. With more CR&S professionals (1,542 in total) taking part in the survey and revealing a higher remuneration package, this is a fitting testament to the growing importance of the sustainability sector.
Data from the survey, conducted by Acre, Carnstone and Flag, also highlights that average in-house roles far surpassed consultancy positions which has widened the average salary gap between the two from £11,500 in 2018 to £16,000 in 2020.
Dan Bond, senior consultant for CR&S at Acre Resources, said: “One thing we are seeing is a shift towards roles centred around purpose sitting at increasingly senior levels within businesses. The importance of responsible business can’t be overstated and integrating sustainability