Chandrasekhar has been arrested in a Rs 200-cr money laundering case. In a statement by the Enforcement Directorate, Chandrasekhar is a known conman . The Delhi Police are probing it in a case of alleged criminal conspiracy, cheating and extortion.
Jacqueline Fernandez made a visit to a temple in Juhu, Mumbai on Monday evening. The actress has been named in a charge sheet filed by the Enforcement Directorate in the Rs 200 crore money laundering case.
Jacqueline Fernandez was one of the participants of Salman Khan's Da-Bangg tour in Riyadh tonight. The actor answered if Jacqueline will be a part of his tour.
Jacqueline Fernandez is being called to testify as a witness by the ED. She has duly recorded her statements & in future will also be completely co-operating in investigations, actress spokesperson said in a statement.