there s no senator that signedn off on these these provocations. that s gone back to their district and explain too the american people that , hey, we re going too go to war and here s where it s going to costo and you get to vote on it. none of vot that se happened. this just showsws how little these people actually respect us . what it s unbelievable. and atva some point they will bankrupt the country. i mean, money is not infinite. we re running out of in ti most people are running out ofr in their household budgets. bud. they have no sense of that they have no sense of that at all, i guess. yeah. none whatsoever. or really i think the thing is they could just care less. that s the biggest thing. they don t care that we can t even produce enough formula to feed our ownie babies right now. they don t care that there stu actually a clearly defined security threat happening every day on our southern border. mexican cartels, a foreignrg terrorist organization is pumping sentinel e
El valor del metro cuadrado de una vivienda social fue de $54.745,14. El titular de la cámara del sector dijo a Cadena 3 que la obra privada está prácticamente paralizada.
En una transacción por 63,000 millones de dólares, el consorcio alemán Bayer, productor de la Aspirina y principal desarrollador de anticonceptivos, a.