obama won with 53% of the vote and you can see these swing states went solidly for the president this time around. where are we specifically with unemployment? nevada and florida have unemployment rates that are above the national average. it s also right about where it was when the president took office. but take a look at this, nevada, 11.7%, when the president took office, it was 9.6%. now the rest of the battle ground states are doing better, they are stronger now than when the president got into office and they re still improving. i mean iowa, virginia, new hampshire, all around 5%, ohio you see the significant drop in its jobless rate over the past year. ohio now 7.4%. again, better than the national average. and better than when the president took office when it was 8.6. candy the trend in these battleground states employment is getting better. can the president win on jobs in these states and will that decide the election. yes, it s about jobs, but i think it s abou