Directed by Koratala Siva, Acharya failed to impress, despite the fact that Telugu s most-hyped father-son duo Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan appeared together on screen. Furthermore, with Koratala Siva on board, the investors did not expect the film to be such a disaster.
Directed by Koratala Siva, Acharya enjoys the ensemble cast of Ram Charan, Chiranjeevi, Pooja Hegde, Kajal Aggarwal, Sonu Sood, Jisshu Sengupta and Saurav Lokesh. Check out the early reviews by netizens here!
Koratala Siva explained, Initially, Kajal s role was designed as a funny role, but after viewing the rushes, I thought it wasn t right to place a star actress in such a small-length role .