In India, Acer has added six new laptops to its product lineup, all of which come pre-installed with Windows 11. Microsoft recently released the stable version of Windows 11, and the laptop market is seeing an influx of new laptops with the latest Windows operating system.
Read the in depth Review of Acer Aspire 7 Gaming Laptops. Know detailed info about Acer Aspire 7 Gaming configuration, design and performance quality along with pros & cons, Digit rating, verdict based on user opinions/feedback.
Acer Aspire 7 Refreshed With AMD Ryzen 5 5500U CPU, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 GPU in India
Acer Aspire 7 comes in a single Charcoal Black colour option and has a backlit keyboard. By Vineet Washington | Updated: 26 February 2021 17:25 IST
Photo Credit: Flipkart
Acer Aspire 7 comes with 8GB RAM and 512GB storage
The laptop offers 10 hours of battery life
Acer Aspire 7 has been refreshed with the latest AMD Ryzen 5000 series CPU for the Indian market. The laptop offers 15.6-inch display with slim bezels on the sides, allowing for an ideal webcam placement. It comes with Windows 10 pre-installed and is offered in a single colour option. The Acer Aspire 7 laptop has Nvidia graphics and supports Wi-Fi 6. It has a sleek and simple design with a backlit keyboard placed above a decently large touchpad.