and sharp and sudden turnaround by the obama administration. the white house now says it s tweaking the health care reform provision that sparked a sudden confrontation between church and state as well as republicans and democrats. our chief white house correspondent jessica yellin is here in the situation room watching all of this unfold. it was pretty dramatic what happened. it was, and all of this caught the white house off-guard. there s no sign that the uproar is dying down. the president plays cleanup. they will not have to pay foror provide contraceptive services, but women who work at these institutions will have access to free contraceptive services just like other women. a law that requires prepreventive care will not discriminate against women. the catholic health association says this resolution protects the conscience rights of catholic institutions. e.j. dionne who helped kick up the firestorm now writes president obama did today what he should have done
and the other story is what congress can do. so an individual is looking at these numbers and saying 80, but they have their feet on the ground and know many of them won t have the skills that employers want at 80 or 70, and physically and mentally can t do the work. right now, most people say to retire before they want to because of their health and because they ve been laid off or their spouse is sick. this idea we should all work longer really supposes that we decide if we work or not. it s not the employers or labor market or the world economy that decides that. also we have to take into consideration that people are living longer anyway now. because they re taking better care of themselves in youngers years and medical advances are allowing people to live longer. they have to take into account economics of the long run. i would like to make everybody s morning in saying that everybody is living longer and everybody is healthier but
is a cult. end of sentence. where is john huntsman in all of this? in the straw poll yesterday at the value voter summit, ron paul came in first, and herman cain who is the rising star pointing to me.gév8ayrñ i am. she has the buy there. and huntsman came in with 0%. it s not an issue for huntsman. did 4h they would have a mormon rather than somebody that believes in science. i believe in science more than a lot of liberals do. expound. well, i think that science is about first of all, the limits of science do not extend to policy. some people say you are a science denier if you don t want cap and trade. you have to take into account