In the rugged heartland of Nigeria, where life is set by the sowing and reaping of the land, Yusuf Audu, a weathered farmer in his twilight years, stands as a testament to the tenacity that the earth demands. For seven decades, Yusuf has tilled the soil, each furrow etching a story of resilience and triumph. His gnarled hands have not only nurtured crops but have also nurtured dreams – those of his children, whose education has been financed by the fruits of his labor.
In an exciting development, Pure Bliss has taken the initiative to extend its ongoing Millionaire Consumer Promo by an additional 6 weeks, granting more - August 22, 2023
As Muslims across the world observe the annual Eid-el-Fitr celebration, those in Imo State say they have opted for a low-key celebration. They blamed the