Caucus, no candidate will theive support from culinary unit. We will go to las vegas to speak with allegra reporter and a member of the Culinary Union who besti have some of the health insnsurance a union membr can get, but i would change it today for medicare for all. A new study in the medical journal lancet shows medicare for all will save americans more than 450 billion and preventnt 68,000 deaths every year. A study was published by a group of epidemiologists from Yale University i medicare for all. This is not Bernie Sanders. Publishing. Scholars prestigious medical journal. We calculate that a Single Payer Universal Health Care system is savingso lead to a 13 and National Healthcare expenditure equivalent to more than 450 billion annually. Amy we will speak with the lead author of the report. Then Latinx Organization mijente gives its firstever presididential endorsement. This moment demands a historic mobilization. Our members agree ththe best pah to defefeating trump is e elec
Caucus, no candidate will theive support from culinary unit. We will go to las vegas to speak with allegra reporter and a member of the Culinary Union who besti have some of the health i insurance a union membr can get, but i would change it today for medicare for all. A new study in the medical journal lancet shows medicare for all will save americans more than 450 billion and prevevent 68,000 deaths every year. A study was published by a group of epidemiologists from Yale University i medicare for all. This is not Bernie Sanders. Publishing. Scholars prestigious medical journal. We calculate that a Single Payer Universal Health Care system is savingso lead to a 13 and National Healthcare expenditure equivalent to more than 450 billion annually. Amy we will speak with the lead author of the report. Then Latinx Organization mijente gives its firstever presesidential endorsement. This moment demands a historic mobilization. Our members agree e the best pah to d defeating trump iss elect