Pogrom state made manifest
The far-right terror campaign against Palestinians sees the police arresting those who dare resist. Meanwhile global opposition to Israel grows apace. Tony Greenstein looks at the changing picture
Since the ceasefire between Israel and Gaza, Israeli police have been taking their revenge on Israel’s Palestinians for what Jonathan Freedland concedes has been a “strategic disaster”.
1 Oren Ziv in Israel’s
+972 magazine described how, in response to the pogroms against Palestinians in Israeli ‘mixed’ cities by Jewish vigilantes and armed settler gangs, the police have been engaged in a widespread round-up - not of the attackers, but those who tried to defend themselves!
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May. 31, 2021 11:25 AM
The Justice Ministry department that investigates allegations of police misconduct will not be probing the shooting of Abdel-Afo Bassam and his injury: even though it happened in the heart of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound; even though the young Jerusalemite was clearly taking pictures; even though police shot him twice; even though he was one of five Palestinian photographers who were shot by the police at the holy site that day, Friday May 7. About a dozen more photographers were attacked by police officers in other places in Jerusalem that day.