protected and they kept that under wraps. that is the o.j. simpson that ended up killing two people. that could have been stopped, that could have been intercepted but it wasn t because people looked at him as a god instead of a human. pete: great point. double standard for those in bright lights as oppose to regular folks. appreciate it. thank you. abby: turning to other headlines we are following, the blaze lies low, we were wondering what this was earlier, air france jets engine blowing up in midair. passengers passengers describing engines blowing up as loud thud and a lot of vibration. can you imagine being in the right? flying from paris to la, luckily nobody was hurt.
do not go gentle into that good night. abby: we are back with fox news alert, o.j. simpson is officially a freeman. there he is, 70-year-old released on parole overnight in nevada after spending nine years in prison for a botched armed robbery.
the bankrupt agency, the puerto rico electric power authority, bankrupt $6 billion in debt, 16,000 miles of rotten lines that were sure to fail in the first blow. they went out even before the hurricanes happen. so i think that she needs an open heart and some gratitude and i think that the problem is that the president chose to tweet about her and that s what made a lot of people angry, why is the president, you know, punching down that way. i think it was unnecessary and this is an unsavorily controversy and i wish it never happened, back to you. abby: geraldo it s so important to get your perspective. great interview. we will have more of that later in the show. thanks. pete: preview of what else may be headed to puerto rico. a little bit of a dryer day than yesterday. if you look at future radar, spotty showers moving across the island throughout the day today, overnight tomorrow and into tomorrow. the tropics is certainly
nothing in essence. i didn t even turn it on sunday, right after what happened in london that enraged me, sitting, kneeling down for national anthem and standing up for god save the queen. is there any more bitter irony than that? abby: we will see what happens today. clearly resinating with people. abby: absolutely. pete: mayor of san juan slamming president trump s response to disaster there although she hasn t attended any of the fema meetings. our own geraldo rivera goes one on hand with her. exclusive interview live next. abby: don t stand for the anthem, you are off the team. the high school coach making big headlines this morning for that one. check it out i wanted to know where my family came from. i did my ancestrydna.
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