Salman Khan s brother-in-law Aayush Sharma has voiced his worries regarding the fire incident outside the actor s Galaxy apartment in Bandra, Mumbai. - Aayush Sharma on Firing Outside Brother-in-Law Salman Khan s Mumbai Home: At This Stage.
Actor Aayush Sharma, who is married to Salman Khan's sister Arpita Khan Sharma, reacted to the firing incident at Salman's house. He said the family is sticking together in the tough time.
Bollywood actor Aayush Sharma slammed the rumours that went viral on social media where many accused of him marrying Salman Khan s sister Arpita for monetary benefits. Read on. - Aayush Sharma Denies Marrying Salman Khan s Sister Arpita for Money or Bollywood Entry, ‘Social Media Decides.