Sporting a traditional saffron shawl, Shinde, accompanied by his son, Kalyan Lok Sabha MP Srikant Shinde, Kalyan unit in-charge of the Shiv Sena Gopal Landge, local leaders and hundreds of party activists, showed the green flag to the train at Thane station around 4.40 pm amidst slogans of Jai Shri Ram
Last year, in June, Shinde visited Ayodhya to make arrangements for Aaditya Thacekray's visit. A few days later, Shinde launched a revolt against Uddhav Thackeray, which led to the fall of his government.
Amid a row over Shiv Sena's 'Bow and Arrow' symbol claim, the Election Commission (EC) on Saturday froze the symbol barring both the rival camps in the party from using it in the upcoming Assembly bye-poll slated for November 3.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Wednesday declared that he is ready to quit his post and also as party chief provided the rebels come and talk to him face-to-face while denying that he had discarded Balasaheb Thackeray s .