Recently, the police said a TRF terrorist, Aadil Ahmad Wani had carried out the brutal assassination of a local Kashmiri Pandit, Sunil Kumar in his ancestral village, Chotigam of Shopian district. The
The Resistance Front (TRF) has, for the last three years, become the invisible enemy that issues threats to security men, political activists, alleged police informers and the so-closed 'collaborators of the Indian state in Kashmir'.Recently, .
Recently, the police said a TRF terrorist, Aadil Ahmad Wani had carried out the brutal assassination of a local Kashmiri Pandit, Sunil Kumar in his ancestral village, Chotigam of Shopian district. The
Gruesome terror attack on two Kashmiri Pandit brothers Sunil Kumar Bhat and his cousin Pertimber Nath at Chotigam, a small hamlet in South Kashmir's Shopian district, triggered outrage in their village. Sunil succumbed to his injuries while .