amendment assertion on a case-by-case basis, a question-by-question basis, so roger stone may not be out of the woods just by pleading the fifth onnen this other subpoena that landed yesterday, a man named james phil waldron, a retired army colonel, who contributed to a powerpoint that the chairman, bennie thompson of the committee has called an lawmakering blueprint for overturning a nationwide election, waldron said he had spoke to mark meadows around that time, he had visited the white house somewhere between eight and ten times and that presentation was used to brief republican members of congress. he has been told to provide documents and he s opinion given a date of january 17th to show up for a deposition. this is, of course, squarely within a committee s parameters for investigations in terms of figuring out all of the events that led to that violent attack on this capitol, stephanie. glenn, trump keeps right to block the committee from seeing any white house documents
decision. but, again, about two days starting first thing monday morning. so this whole song and dance could be over, gregg, by the middle part of next week, but no doubt the families finally getting some justice nearly four years later here. casey stegall, great job down there. thank you so much. reporter: thanks, buddy. let s get more on today s verdict. lisa windsor joins us, a retired army colonel, former j.a.g., a current military defense attorney. she was stationed at ft. hood for years, a colleague of the judge in this case, tara osborne. thank you for being with us. judge osborne i think most lawyers would say was very wise and judicious and skilled because what she did here was limited the scope of the evidence presented by prosecutors, wouldn t allow, for example, evidence that hasan had corresponded with anwar al awlaki, the american-born cleric associated with al qaeda. is that because the judge wanted
friday. there is fierce gun battles in the streets. more than 100 people were killed on friday. and then on saturday, another 12 people were killed at funerals for the protesters that died the day before. i am joined live by a retired army colonel, and nbc analysts, colonel jacobs. do you think what is happening there is overshadowing libya? i think so. for a couple reasons. syria is much more important strategically. what happens in syria, in large affect happens. and then that includes our allies, and israel, and there are lots of problems that are intended for syria to go to pieces. government firing aircraft weapons into crowds. we talked about a large number of people being killed. that doesn t count all the people being wounded.