Even as polling began in the last and seventh phase for Bihar's eight Lok Sabha seats falling under Patna and Shahabad divisions, the Met Department issued an heatwave alert for Karakat, Buxar and Sasaram constituencies.A Met Department .
Dozens in hospitals with heatstroke as Pakistan sizzles Asia News Network (ANN) is the leading regional alliance of news titles striving to bring the region closer, through an active sharing of editorial content on happenings in the region.
Meanwhile, the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) has moved eastward from the Maritime Continent to the Western Pacific, increasing the likelihood of tropical cyclone formation over the Southern Pacific, they said.
Three back to back earthquakes rocked the Union Territories of Ladakh and J&K on Monday, while no report of casualty or damage to property has been received so far.Srinagar, Dec 18 (IANS) Three back to back earthquakes rocked the Union .