James eventually by mid morning it will clear out especially in the east bay and will start to see the what can it is still one to be mild were talking about timber to the or the degree even assess francisco ride to the golden gate 12 mi. An hour when 10 in oakland is a bit of a breeze in the fall in the low clouds appear as well we see mostly cloudy skies for the east of a cloudy skies to the south by the peninsula and the north made the sea is pretty stock then here look like for the backtoschool forecast remained at a clock tower when classes begin were looking at conditions that will be nice to mild by noontime for loans partly cloudy again the clearing will begin in the east bay and pull back toward the coast were looking at timber just for the lunch hour. James by 3 00 in the afternoon when the kids get out of school room low to mid 80s low seven is for our bay shoreline communities slightly warmer down in the south and 61 for san jose a little cooler in the east valley theyre ho