Sam Wainwright told Alex Bainbridge while the official Yes and official No campaigns for the Voice to Parliament referendum are based on conservative agendas, the demoralisation that would flow from a No victory outweighs the limitations of the Voice.
First Nations activists supporting the progressive No case say Labor could make practical reforms now, without a referendum. Peter Boyle argues regardless of the referendum outcome, the struggle for First Nations’ justice will have to continue.
Coroner Simon McGregor, who conducted the inquest into the death in prison of Gunditjmara, Dja Dja Wurrung, Wiradjuri and Yorta Yorta woman Veronica Nelson, said Victoria’s Bail Act needs to be “urgently” amended. Chris Slee reports.
Barry Healy reports that thousands of people from across Perth attended a vigil in Midland to commemorate the life of 15-year-old Noongar man Cassius Turvey.
February 14 marks 18 years since young Kamilaroi man TJ Hickey died after being chased by police. No one has been charged; his family is yet to receive any justice, writes Isaac Nellist.