corporations are feeling it, because they re getting a monster permanent tax cut and your 18 bucks is temporary. katon, you have amy s vote. not necessarily, joy but okay. surprise-surprise. we ll go back to you on that then. katon, if you look at the numbers that the pollsters are running, republicans privately are worrying about a bloodbath, trying to get donald trump prepared for the fact that democrats may lose the house. you have mitch mcconnell and paul ryan sounding the alarm that the polls are not looking good. let s go through. in house races, democratic toss-ups, democrats have to deal with in the political report, you have this open seat in minnesota, al franken s seat. you have new hampshire, nevada. some open seats that democrats have to deal with. you have some republican toss-up seats that they ll have to deal with. some like florida, that district 26 in florida not looking good.
middle class, for workers. good morning. welcome to am joy. just before departing for his christmas vacation at his private club in mar-a-lago, where the initiation fee is $200,000 and annual dew dues ruu $14,000, president trump signed into law a major tax overall which will line the pockets of the millionaires and billionaires who make up the trump cabinet. folks like steve mnuchin and jared kushner who stand to squirrel away millions under the new tax scheme. not to mention the millions republicans will shovel into trump s own bank account through the bill. 11 million a year according to a new york times analysis. the middle fifth of american households will get an average of 18 bucks a week in tax cuts in 2018. we ll see even that meager cut disappear within the next decade. republicans are setting their sights on gutting the social safety net to pay for the tax cuts for corporations and the
we who will sacrifice our seats in the 2018 election salute you. it s ridiculous. if you have to explain t the bi bill is not selling itself. the american people want donald trump to fix roads, lower taxes and keep the country safe if that s what this bill ends up helping with, great. no one believes that now. it s unlikely they can sell it. amy, in places and districts where you live, people will not be able to be shielded from the fact that you have jared kushner who inherited millions from his daddy, now gets a 5 million to $12 million tax bump. donald trump reaping 4$4.5 million. wilbur ross getting 4 million. linda mcmahon gets millions. betsy devos gets millions, tillerson gets millions. when people see those millions compared to 18 bucks, how do
they sell that to voters like you? come february when people actually start seeing it in their paychecks the 18 bucks? it makes a difference. it does make a difference. every dollar counts. when you re trying to put food on your table, gas in your car, pay for your kids to go to school, every dollar counts what about the $1,000 bonuses that multiple companies are giving right here at the end of the year. that s a boost into the economy. they ll go out and spend that money. these corporations are investing back into their employees, and i think that people will feel that. we can sit here and talk about it all day long. all the other networks can, too. there s been a bunch of negative press about it. at the end of the day people vote according to what affects them personally and they ll see money back in their paychecks. $18 a week matters to a lot of people. i think a lot of people think their corporations could have been giving them a christmas bonus. i think people earn that
corporations are getting tax cuts, everybody tries to think, oh, that must be these big companies. most of them are small drnz. no. small businesses wrong. number one. number two is what this has done is made america more competitive internationally no, it hasn t. which means you just made somebody s hard-working family job more secure than it was. international other countries aren t just going to take it lying down. they re already cutting their corporate tax rates. it s a race to the bottom. and when you say corporations, people think their boss. people think my ceo, my boss. i go to work every day. i m unappreciated. my boss, the ceo, the boss of the conditioner is getting millions. and i get 18 bucks? nobody s going to side with you and the rich on this. sorry. would the democrats prefer to raise taxes? joy, just give him a paragraph or two without that brilliant anthem. because he s trying to catch up to you here. let him try. okay. go ahead, brabender, your