Already reaching more than £a,000, which he ll split between four charities. the lakeland challenge is expected to take tony between three and four hours to complete. which way are you going round it. why do you make things difficult? unsurprisingly, never one to take a shortcut he s planning to take the hardest route to the top. we have the full list so for ever, it is a we have the full list so for ever, it is a bit we have the full list so for ever, it is a bit of we have the full list so for ever, it is a bit of a crowd. we have the full list so for ever, it is a bit of a crowd. tony is with us with his it is a bit of a crowd. tony is with us with his family it is a bit of a crowd. tony is with us with his family and it is a bit of a crowd. tony is with us with his family and along - it is a bit of a crowd. tony is with us with his family and along with | us with his family and along with steve watts who was helping the family organise this. good morning. tony, how are ....