all right. this is a man who is a lawyer, who practiced constitutional law for ten years. and don t you have to give him credit for not stalling further, wasting taxpayer time and money, and even for the states, and saying, i m confident enough, take it to the the big guys? and why is this decision, the 11th circuit court not exactly that, the supreme court will rule in favor of obamacare, so what we have we have the 6th court who upheld the individual mandate. the 11th circuit court found it unconstitutional and 4th circuit court wasn t sure what they were going to. 6 in favor, 5 against and bottom line, it will go to the supreme court, wool he find out what they think, personally, i think it s unconstitutional. of note, if this is such a great hingthing, why are there 1300 wavers? we ve talked about this. they didn t take into consideration i m in favor of health care
all right. this is a man who is a lawyer, who practiced constitutional law for ten years. and don t you have to give him credit for not stalling further, wasting taxpayer time and money, and even for the states, and saying, i m confident enough, take it to the the big guys? and why is this decision, the 11th circuit court not exactly that, the supreme court will rule in favor of obamacare, so what we have we have the 6th court who upheld the individual mandate. the 11th circuit court found it unconstitutional and 4th circuit court wasn t sure what they were going to. 6 in favor, 5 against and bottom line, it will go to the supreme court, wool he find out what they think, personally, i think it s unconstitutional. of note, if this is such a great hingthing, why are there 1300 wavers? we ve talked about this. they didn t take into consideration i m in favor of health care